When you become an Amazon Shark, you get access to ALL future course updates—for free! If I add new videos three years from now, you’ll still get free access to it!
Many course creators will release new versions of their course each year, but they don’t actually change the content that much. Often, the only reason they create these new versions is to sell the upgrade to their existing customer base. I won’t do that. I won’t try to sell you an update a year after you have signed up! Be it three or five years—you will get all Amazon Sharks updates for free. Guaranteed.
I plan on releasing new content at least few times a year, as there are constant changes and news on the Amazon front almost every month. Amazon Sharks ownership will guarantee that you get latest tips and updates on the most important developments for Amazon business owners, keeping you at the forefront of the industry at all times.
Ok, I know what you’re thinking: Andrew, this all sounds fantastic, but this is thousands and thousands of pounds of content and consulting. Is this course going to cost me an arm and a leg?
Yes, you’re right—it should actually cost thousands to get access to this level of content and support, and yes, there are less substantial Amazon courses on the market that sell for $5000 and even $10,000 without any personal support.
But that’s not the type of program I wanted to create. I wanted to make Amazon Sharks as accessible as possible, while maintaining limited availability so I can provide incredible, first- class support to all Amazon Sharks students.
Remember, I’m in the business of creating success stories.